Meditate Among May Flowers
May Flowers!
Hello Dear! How does your garden of your mind grow? Prim and proper or full of weeds to pull? The cards this month suggest a bit of both.
No worries though - I've got you covered with this month's forecast which will help you prune what is unnecessary.
TAROT & TEA continues! at Jupiter Moon Art and Goods 507 South Main St. Sebastopol, CA Wednesday, May 10th and May 24th 5:30-7:30pm Join me every other Wednesday at Jupiter Moon Art and Goods where I'll be available for drop-in tarot readings. Let's share a cup of mint tea while we tune in to the guidance that is right for you, right now. I've loved reading for and meeting those of you who've come to these so far, and am so looking forward to seeing and meeting the rest of you!
Below you will find the cards for the May forecast. Take several quiet moments to center yourself, breathing calmly, with eyes closed. Listen to any inner knowings that take place. When ready, choose card 1, 2, or 3, from left to right. ...
You'll find your card revealed, with my interpretation at the close of this email.
Not in town for an in-person reading? Online readings always available for you right here!
Whether you're looking for a quick and affordable dose of wisdom in the form of an mp3 email reading or an in-depth 60-minute Skype session, I've got you. Readings with me are supportive, empathic, intuitive, and no-nonsense. Recent feedback from clients:
I like your interpretation about what I should do to get clear. -Kai Yes, that makes a lot of sense. -April
WOWEE I can attest to your readings!!! Spot on! -Janet
Pause and breathe. Have you chosen your card for the May forecast? Do so now, before scrolling any further.
All 3 cards will provide insight for the month. The card you chose will be especially potent.
Card 1: Four of Cups. The message here is twofold. 1) You would be well served by getting out in nature and meditating. Find a tree and breathe with it. 2) Sulking is the opposite of meditating and is rather unattractive. ;) You've got some really wonderful things on offer, but you've got to look up, see them, and accept the offers. Love abounds, if you let it. Card 2: Queen of Pentacles. Revel in your garden of earthly delights. Fertility is always a theme of spring and May, but it will be showing up in a big way for you. Abundant delights might include warm and festive dinner parties that you host, making your loved ones feel cared for in the sweetest way, literal time in the garden, picking fruits and lazily pulling a few weeds, conception of new creative endeavors that will pay off handsomely, as well as literal conceptions of new life. The only tiny warning here is not to get overindulgent. Enjoy! Card 3: Ten of Wands. Yeah, you've got a lot on your plate, but the good news is that though it might be difficult it's not impossible and the end is in sight. I encourage you not to give up on what you're working on. Notice how in the card the path is clear and the destination reachable. You may well feel overburdened and overworked; I'm not saying you aren't. You are, however, eminently capable of reaching the finish line. Sleep well, rest when you must, but call on the energy reserves that you're not actually sure you have (you do!) and keep going! You've got this! Overall, keep your wits about you, whether that means actually seeing the good that's there, not overindulging in the sweetness of life, or sticking with it till the end. Pull the weeds so that what you cultivate purposely can grow abundantly.
Feeling like you want to support this work, but don't necessarily need a personal reading at this time? Donations received in gratitude right here: A hearty "THANK YOU!" to those who have given.
How does this forecast sit with you? What can I do to serve you? Drop me a line and let me know - I love to hear from you. Love to You!